Friday, May 27, 2011


I don't know why, but I can never blog/write while listening to songs. :/
Anyway, I drove grandma tot the vet today, to get Lassie dewormed or something. I dropped them off at the vet and parked the car quite a distance away. I went to get the car with my brother afterwards, AND SOMETHING HORRIBLE HAPPENED. D; 

I was so surprised that I would do such a mistake and thank God no one saw, except me, my bro and well, the man upstairs. I didn't really feel guilty because the other person involved was also in the wrong, so yeah, but my hands were shaking as I made my way back to the vet.

To make things 10 times worse, the roads were confusing me as there were like front and back arrows painted on the street so I couldn't tell if they were one way streets or what. So I just followed the guy in front of me, turns out it was a one way street and I was going in the wrong direction. -.- I kept apologizing to the people going the opposite direction as I was. There was also a police car who just came out of the junction as I turned in, but he didn't seem to notice...

So I guess I was pretty lucky, in a way, but I learned a pretty good lesson or two today. You know what they say, you win some, you lose some.

I have three more papers until I have a 3 day break, not counting the weekend, then classes resume and I'll get my papers back! Which are gonna suck. :( 

I honestly think that we are at a big disadvantage compared to the July and January intake students who have like almost a year and 5 months respectively. 

So bla bla bla bla, whatever. 

Don't really wanna make this post a long one... So maybe I'll post another one later.

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