Monday, November 23, 2009

I just want you

I'll just admit this to you now That I'm stuck onto you like glue somehow

Trying to change my blogging format. Hehe. Its kinda weird that everything is all aligned to the left...
Oh well.

Okay, so today the hot topic that EVERYONE is talking about is RESULTS.
I haven't got mine yet coz I wrote my cousin's address. The postman comes like once a week to my house. I rather go to my cousin's house than wait like an idiot for it.
There were so many posts on Facebook about their results that it got kinda annoying at one point.
Do you think people care if you got your results? Or how many A's you got? (Well actually I think some people would mind but that's not the point) The point is, most of us would be so caught up in our own results that we don't even want to think how many A's you got or what position in class you got coz we didn't get ours yet.
Ok typing like this is very very annoying coz everything seems like its in a big clump.
Anyway, I don't think I even told my mum that they will be mailing the results.
I can't recall if I told her or not. Probably not. If I don't show her the results it won't make any difference as the report cards will be given out in January. What a way to spoil the new school year.
Btw. I couldn't reply any smses about the results coz I'm out of credit.

Maybe I'll try aligning to the right...

Wow this is weird.
Okay so I have a few pictures I've been wanting to upload here, but I can't.
I don't know why but everytime I try to upload a picture, it says that the server was reset.
One of them was a screenshot I took in facebook about Rach and I talking about Marilyn.
I wonder if I can type a post without mentioning her name. ;D

I'm bored.

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