Tuesday, December 1, 2009

If I Had You

But if I had you, then money, fame and fortune can never compete.

Okay, so. I didn't want to blog about this at first, but keeping this a secret is hard.
This is my blog anyway, where I can express my feelings.
But I'm not sure if writing everything here is right, you know, letting the whole world to see.
If they even care.


Yesterday, I went to Sunway Medical Hospital to get my voice checked out.
I didn't want to go at first, but my uncle was saying stuff when I went to visit them in Penang, so I just went to satisfy them.
I went to visit Dr. Koay. He's a ENT specialist. ENT = Ear, nose and throat btw.
I know him because my grandpa also saw him when he was in the hospital last year.
He put a thin rubber tube down my nose and it went all the way to my throat.
I could bludy feel the thing in my throat. ==
He said that there was nothing wrong but just to make sure, I needed to get a blood test and a CT scan.
He said that my neck was kinda swollen so that there maybe a thyroid or something.
After the blood test and CT scan, which was soooooooo bludy long and expensive, the results showed that I didn't have thyroid but my left thyroid gland is swollen.
The swell does not effect my voice box, thus it has no bludy thing to do with my voice. However, its pushing my trachea, so I think I can't breathe properly? Lol. But I don't feel anything when I swallow or breathe.
So, to find out why it is swollen, he put a needle at my neck, where the thing could be, and took some cells from it.
I have another appoinment next week. Sheesh.
I have had 2 needles stuck into me yesterday and the whole bludy trip cost about RM800.
If there is a need to operate on that thing, I don't know how much it will cost again.
Lalalalala, I just hope I don't die.

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