Monday, March 15, 2010

Course Options? o_O

I know this is the second post today okay! I'm just really really bored. 
My mum has been talking to annoying me with what I want to study next year. If I can even get into a college with them results of mine. :\
So here's my course options and the pros and cons behind them and if they were objected by The Woman. Aka. My mum.

1. Culinary Arts

Pros: I really love cooking and baking. I can create lovely food? Lol. That sounded so lame.

Cons: Tiring job. Probably have to chop up animals. Yuck.

What The Woman said: "You take this kind of course for what? Then why you take Pure Science in the first place?" -.-"


Pros: Sounds interesting. Kadija is taking this. :)

Cons: According to the owner of my piano school, he said that psychology is taken by many people now coz they think it's interesting and it's one of the easier courses out there, but when it comes to finding a job, it will be very tough.

What The Woman said: "Actually what Uncle John (the person mentioned above) said is right" 

3.English studies / literature

Pros: I totally love English and literature and writing. :P

Cons: Name one specific job that requires a person with a degree in English. I DARE YOU! See... 

What The Woman said: "Since you said that it's hard to find a job... so... "


Pros: My mum wants me to do this. Not exactly a pro. 

Cons: I'm bad at maths and the thought of facing numbers the whole day makes me want to puke.

What The Woman said: "Accounts is interesting bla bla bla bla bla..." I wasn't really listening.

5. Actuarial Science

Pros: My mum wants me to do this. Again, not really a pro. Really in demand now.

Cons: I don't wanna count risk and all that shit. D:

What The Woman said: "You will be a millionaire by the age of 35 if you do this." Then you go do lo..

6. Biotechnology (I hate anything to do with science)
7. Economics (The real world scares me)
8. Law (I can't talk and I'm not smart enough)
9. Engineering (Considering, but consists a lot of Physics which I failed)
10. Events Management (Kinda like this but The Woman didn't approve)

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