I'm just a girl, you're just a boy. This is my heart, its not a toy. So what's with you playing with my mind?
Shifting my gear into rant mode. You have been warned.
What I don't get is why people come to me for love advice. I'm not experienced, I've barely had a boyfriend, and I've never been on a date. So WHY, do you come asking how to solve that problem of yours.
I know that is what friends do, they help each other. But as for everything, there is a limit. I have problems too, I can't help you solve everything. I don't mind you asking for opinions, but asking WHAT you should do exactly is what I'm talking about.
Should you or should you not do that to please your significant other? Truthfully, I don't know. I am not him/her, I do not know what they are thinking and I definately do not know what YOU are thinking.
If your heart says yes, go for it, if it doesn't, sit back in your chair watch that movie you have been wanting to watch.
What I've learn is, to let go. Ok truthfully, I do not know where this rant is going but lets just go with the flow.
In my opinion, I have matured over the year. I feel at this age, there is little or no chance for a relationship to suceed. However, I am not saying that it won't.
To back me up, I have a few examples.
1. You want to go on a date with your significant other, how do you get there? Most of you will hitch a ride from your parents or take the bus. One word - inconvinience. Why not wait a few years until you can drive? There will be much more freedom than having to lie to your parents and begging them to drive you to the mall.
2. PDA - Public Display of Affection. Especially in schools. Are you really comfortable with displaying the needed affection in such a public place where everyone can see? The school is the place where we spend most of our time interacting, I wouldn't want it to be filled with awkward moments between teachers where they say "Are you really going out with him? Really?"
I have many more reasons but I just can't think right now as it is 2.55am in the morning. Geez. Insomniac much?
I admit. I have changed a lot since last year. I have distanced myself from most of my friends, leaving me with just a few of them. I didn't want to, but I just did. I guess I don't feel comfortable around them, but I have to say, they really helped me through a lot when I needed them. If you know who you are, I would like to say thank you and I'm sorry. Other than that, my thinking and judgement on certain things are much more different that it was before.
This year I lost a friend. A special friend, whom I think very much of and told all my secrets and feelings too. You knew a lot about me, eventhough it wasn't everything, but it was enough. You made me feel happy when I'm sad, you never fail to make me smile. If it was a month ago, I would say that I would trade everything and everyone I have right now to have you back, but now I differ.
You made me realise that losing a friend is the toughest thing in the world and it sent me into minor depression for almost a year. I'm glad its over now. Don't get me wrong, I love you but there are times that a person has to let go. I don't know how to explain it but if there comes a day that you need support, I'll be there.
To my new special friend who has been around, helping me pick up the pieces for about a year now. Thank you. You have made me feel very much better. I know you are sad right now, about that person in your life, but I know times will get better, and I will help you through it, just like you helped me. I wish you well, and hope our friendship will last forever. I like that I can tell you anything, even things I can't tell my girl friends. Everytime I feel down, I don't go to them, I go to you. Because you know exactly how to make me smile again. Once again, thank you. :)
I've been reading a lot these past few days.
What I have learned was that not everyone has happy endings.
But most of us do, just depends on the time and location and fate.
Maybe its because of the year coming to an end, I had a feeling that I needed to express all of this.
I show my gratitute to all that have cared about me and I apologize to those who I have not.
Next year is a new year, and definately a new beginning.
However, I would like to be able to go through the year without any distractions.
In other words, I wouldn't mind finishing my last year of school alone.
Meh. :\
My wishes never come true anyway.
Shifting my gear into rant mode. You have been warned.
What I don't get is why people come to me for love advice. I'm not experienced, I've barely had a boyfriend, and I've never been on a date. So WHY, do you come asking how to solve that problem of yours.
I know that is what friends do, they help each other. But as for everything, there is a limit. I have problems too, I can't help you solve everything. I don't mind you asking for opinions, but asking WHAT you should do exactly is what I'm talking about.
Should you or should you not do that to please your significant other? Truthfully, I don't know. I am not him/her, I do not know what they are thinking and I definately do not know what YOU are thinking.
If your heart says yes, go for it, if it doesn't, sit back in your chair watch that movie you have been wanting to watch.
What I've learn is, to let go. Ok truthfully, I do not know where this rant is going but lets just go with the flow.
In my opinion, I have matured over the year. I feel at this age, there is little or no chance for a relationship to suceed. However, I am not saying that it won't.
To back me up, I have a few examples.
1. You want to go on a date with your significant other, how do you get there? Most of you will hitch a ride from your parents or take the bus. One word - inconvinience. Why not wait a few years until you can drive? There will be much more freedom than having to lie to your parents and begging them to drive you to the mall.
2. PDA - Public Display of Affection. Especially in schools. Are you really comfortable with displaying the needed affection in such a public place where everyone can see? The school is the place where we spend most of our time interacting, I wouldn't want it to be filled with awkward moments between teachers where they say "Are you really going out with him? Really?"
I have many more reasons but I just can't think right now as it is 2.55am in the morning. Geez. Insomniac much?
I admit. I have changed a lot since last year. I have distanced myself from most of my friends, leaving me with just a few of them. I didn't want to, but I just did. I guess I don't feel comfortable around them, but I have to say, they really helped me through a lot when I needed them. If you know who you are, I would like to say thank you and I'm sorry. Other than that, my thinking and judgement on certain things are much more different that it was before.
This year I lost a friend. A special friend, whom I think very much of and told all my secrets and feelings too. You knew a lot about me, eventhough it wasn't everything, but it was enough. You made me feel happy when I'm sad, you never fail to make me smile. If it was a month ago, I would say that I would trade everything and everyone I have right now to have you back, but now I differ.
You made me realise that losing a friend is the toughest thing in the world and it sent me into minor depression for almost a year. I'm glad its over now. Don't get me wrong, I love you but there are times that a person has to let go. I don't know how to explain it but if there comes a day that you need support, I'll be there.
To my new special friend who has been around, helping me pick up the pieces for about a year now. Thank you. You have made me feel very much better. I know you are sad right now, about that person in your life, but I know times will get better, and I will help you through it, just like you helped me. I wish you well, and hope our friendship will last forever. I like that I can tell you anything, even things I can't tell my girl friends. Everytime I feel down, I don't go to them, I go to you. Because you know exactly how to make me smile again. Once again, thank you. :)
I've been reading a lot these past few days.
What I have learned was that not everyone has happy endings.
But most of us do, just depends on the time and location and fate.
Maybe its because of the year coming to an end, I had a feeling that I needed to express all of this.
I show my gratitute to all that have cared about me and I apologize to those who I have not.
Next year is a new year, and definately a new beginning.
However, I would like to be able to go through the year without any distractions.
In other words, I wouldn't mind finishing my last year of school alone.
Meh. :\
My wishes never come true anyway.
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