Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Confessions Part II

If I'm gonna tell it then I gotta tell it all Damn near cried when I got that phone call
I'm so throwed and I don't know what to do But to give you part 2 of my confessions

Damn I can't remember what I was gonna write on here.

Anyway, I got a haircut today.
The last time I got my hair cut was about a year ago. :P
I got fed up coz my hair is really thick and the weather is so damn pucking hot.
So, after the guy washed my hair, they had to blow dry it coz I'm not cutting, just layering.
So he started drying it with the hair dryer and another guy came, plugged in the hair dryer and started blowing the other side of my hair.
O_e As though my hair is really that thick. Geez.
After the guy layered it I was in shock because of all the hair on the floor.
My hair is really thin now and I love it. :D
At least it doesn't look like a horse's tail anymore.

I just realised I love Shane Dawson.
He is one of the funniest guys on youtube, not to mentioned he is crowned Mr YouTube by Buck.
I didn't vote for him coz I didn't watch What The Buck show that frequently last time.

Anyway, life is still pretty bleak.
Mum keeps asking me what I wanna do or study next time.
I seriously have no idea.
The only thing I'm interested in is English.
I was interested in Culinary Arts and Psychology but I don't think my mum approves of those two.
I'm also considering Accounting, but I think too many numbers turn me off. :\
But seriously, if I do study English, get a degree in it, what am I going to do with it?
Teach preschoolers? Teach primary school? Write a book?!
Puke. Puke. Puke.

Maybe in 10 years time you'll see me sleeping under the overhead bridge in front of Tesco holding an English degree.
Life sucks. Period.

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