Wednesday, September 25, 2013

When life gives you lemons, squeeze them lil fucks

As of right now, there are several things going on in my mind:

Numero uno is transferring to another uni in my third year.  I noticed in my last post which was about 20 days ago, I said that I'll join AIESEC if I don't get in (which I did whoop whoop) I'll try again in Australia. FUNNY HOW THINGS CAN CHANGE IN A MERE PERIOD OF 20 DAYS. Since then, I've learned that if I were to transfer to Australia, I'd have to live on my own (accommodation there costs a bomb apparently) and I only get to go for a semester (if not I'd have to pay Australian fees which are RM15k more than what I'm paying now). So naturally I started looking for alternatives. I've been thinking of transferring to the UK. Now yes, I know what you're thinking, isn't it more expensive blah (the things my mum said), but let me put everything into perspective and clearly in point form.

Good 'ol Australia

  • One semester only (unless you want to spend RM15k more)
  • Expensive accommodation (approx AUD100-200/week)
  • Same course structure as I'm studying now (better off staying in Malaysia wtf)
  • I can visit my cousins and they can visit me (Also my grandparents can fly over lol)
  • Nearer to Malaysia
  • One semester or a year (pay the same fees)
  • I get to go to a top 10 uni (if I get in hahaha)
  • Expensive accommodation (cheapest was £60/week)
  • Cheaper to travel to neighbouring European countries
  • I get to go to a new country and experience new culture
  • I can't travel home on breaks 
  • I can get a part time job on campus and I get paid in pounds lolol 
  • RM10k grant per semester abroad
So yeah, I'm really keen on going to the UK, even though it's very terrifying to think of, but I really want to get out of my panda shell and learn to stand on my two feet for god's sake.

Stand on my two feet, get it? Don't punch me. 

Next would be my internship, which is part of my course. I've applied to a few companies, but I've only heard from one which I will be going for an interview next week. To be honest, even after going for so many different interviews and assessments, I'm still terrified of them. I tend to get clammed up and the anxiety kicks in and I can't think straight. For my last interview with AIESEC I couldn't think of the last book I read for Christ sake. 

I just realised that I'm sharing a lot on the internet about myself haha. I don't think anyone reads my blog anymore, and blogs are really a thing of the past tbh. Mostly this blog is for my own reflection and for me to keep up with my progress of being a person, rather than interesting events happening in my life. 

So yeah, on top of all my other problems, I really need to pee. 

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